“Our battered suitcases were piled on the sidewalk again; we had longer ways to go. But no matter, the road is life." - Jack Kerouac

Friday, December 28, 2012

Bebe Llamas...wait no!!! Those are lambs!!..Locas Gringas!
Cusco and The Inca Trail
December 17- 26, 2012
     Wow… It’s been an incredible couple of weeks and so much has happened it’s hard to know where to begin. I guess at the beginning is a good start, right??Please try to pay attention, this will be a long one …
     It has been a dream of mine to hike the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu in Peru. It’s on my bucket list and it the single reason why I even began to plan a trip to South America in the first place. Upon many tireless hours of research I decided that I was going to make the trip to Peru and tackle the treacherous Inca Trail. When I called Aesha to tell her about my trip all she said was "I’m in, it’s on my bucket list!!” I was ecstatic to have someone who shares the same passion for travel and culture as I do to be joining me on this journey.
    The Inca Trail is a UNESCO World Heritage site and it is monitored like Fort Knox. They are insanely strict on the amount of hikers aloud in per day. 500. No more are allowed, ever.  Knowing this I booked the trek more than 4 months in advance to make sure we would not encounter any problems with reserving spots. I wanted to make sure that we would be on the hike for the “End of the world” on December 21, 2012.
    After Huacachina, Aesha and I took a 16 hour bus ride to the charming city of Cusco. Cusco’s altitude is 11,200 ft above sea level and many people experience severe altitude sickness at this level. We were prepared except we didn’t think about the winding, twisting, stomach dropping bus ride through the mountains. We were both sick as dogs and couldn’t wait to get off that damn bus. We finally arrived at Loki Hostel in Cusco. Loki is a party hostel and we didn’t realize the severity of this until we walked into our 8 person dorm to 6 screaming, hysterical young girls. Holy shit…what have we done?? We felt like grannies. It was horrific, especially when we were in bed reading and they were spraying six different types of perfumes and yelling at us to come to the bar and drink “blood bombs” (don’t ask) with them because there are “cute” boys down there…oh brother. All I have to say is thank God for ear plugs!!!!!
View from our Hostel
 We checked in with the travel agency at Loki to confirm our Inca Trail reservation for the next day. He said "Yes, Samantha Scholl and Cynthia Scholl right?" Ummmm What??? "No, Samantha Scholl and Aesha Shapiro, Cynthia Scholl is my mother and was listed as my emergency contact!!" This is where the complete and utter downward spiral begins. A tornado of emotions that will be difficult to describe but here goes…
     Percy, our very handsome travel agent (right Aesha?hahaha), looked genuinely terrified as he realized the pernicious and irreversible mistake that was made on their part. Basically, they screwed up…big time and were shitting their pants about it. They accidentally listed my mother as the other hiker, but with Aesha’s passport number. It seemed like an honest enough mistake but the security at the gates along the Inca Trail would never accept this, but Loki travel was about to do everything in their power to make it happen. Ivan, the manager was called over and he explained that this is a major problem but he felt confident that we should still be allowed in with a little persuasion on his part. So we rented all of our gear, packed up our bags, and tried to get to sleep early…we had a 5:30 am start in the morning…We were hiking the Inca Trail!!!
Lunch on the balcony overlooking the Plaza De Armas
 Neither one of us could sleep, the anticipation and excitement was tying knots in our stomachs.
    Up early, we load a bus with the porters (guys who cook and set up our campsites). They reeked of alcohol and Coca Tea. I was nauseous already, shit, this was going to be a long three hour bus ride. Oh believe me, it was. But we didn’t care, we were about to conquer the Inca Trail!!!!…Nope, no we weren’t.
We finally arrive at the gate and as everyone else passes our friend Ivan goes to speak with the officials on our behalf. He has with him all of my confirmation emails, proving that the mistake was completely his fault and that we should be aloud to pass. It’s not looking good. I get a shiver down my spine that reverberates through my entire body. It’s not going to happen. We waited at the gate to the Inca Trail for 6 hours before they finally told us no, no way can you pass. Ivan had the look of fear in his eyes as he approached us and told us not only won’t we be going on the trip, the trail is booked up until January 6, 2013, and there is nothing we can do.
Our first attempt at the Inca Trail...not so successful! 12/17/12

  It took a moment, but as soon as we digested this news we both became catatonic. We just spent thousands of dollars to fly to Peru to hike the Inca trail and now we can’t do it. We were beyond consolable at this point. We then then had to get on a local bus and head back to Cusco. The disappointment we were both feeling ran incredibly deep and was so upsetting I couldn’t even be angry...I was spiritless. It took a lot of courage for both of us to plan this trek. It was an intense battle of the mind and when we finally got ourselves mentally prepared, our dream was shattered.
    We arrived back in Cusco at 6:30 pm, 13 hours after we left that morning. We were exhausted, soaking wet, starving and depressed. They bought us dinner and a bottle of Vino (a sorry attempt to calm us down...don't they know alcohol is a depressant) and took care our nights at the hostel, but something was different. They could of just apologized and offered us our money back but they didn’t. They knew how much it meant to us to go on this trek, they apologized of course but wanted to make it right. They realized it wasn’t about the money, this trip was  important to us on another level and they knew it.

Unbelievable Horse trek!!!!
Sol, Super and Wiena
Aesha and I visiting a local home for snacks and jugo!!
 They offered us a private horseback riding trip through the mountains and valleys of Cusco the following day. This actually ended up being one of the highlights of our trip thus far. I was encouraged to gallop my horse " Sol" as fast as he felt like galloping...which was fabulously electric!!!
     They calmly asked us to be patient as they tried to speak with the government. We had a few days to spare so we let them treat us and hoped for the best. We were both trying our best to remain patient and positive. It took five days, several trips to the government offices, and a letter written on our behalf to the head official, the only one in the country who can make the decision to allow more than 500 people on the Inca Trail in one day…so on Friday, December 21, 2012 (the supposed “end of the world”), 502 people were allowed on the trail. It's pretty damn cool to be the extra 2!!

Team Bananas Locas!!!!!
Aesha, Romulo, Silvia, Ricardo, Zac, Jing, Me, Abeed, Alex, Miguel, Lei, Swen, Sandra, and the coughing Aussies

 INCA TRAIL...For real...
 Here is where the real fun begins!!! No joke, enough whining and bitching on our part!!! We simply could not have been luckier with the group we went on the trek with. Everything happens for a reason... verdad
Day one, early morning mist
I met some of most amazing, hysterical, genuine and fun loving people I have ever encountered while traveling...all except for the hacking, coughing, disgusting Aussie girls who got wasted a few nights before and got Llama tattoos, but that's an entirely different story. Entonces...
Lei's photo of Swen...amazing
     So we began the dreaded three hour journey back to the Inca Trail once again, only this time we knew it was the real deal. We were not without our fair share of problems...Aesha woke up with food poisoning. Yup, the kind that makes you feel like you may shit your pants while vomiting...Poor thing. I honestly didn't know what to say or do to help her feel better. She was a trooper though!!                  There was nothing going to stop us from completing this journey...not even sub zero nights, rain for 4 days and nights straight, thousands upon thousands of stairs, climbing mountains, then having to descend the steep slippery stairs, tons of mud, bed bugs in our sleeping bags, rain in our tent, no toilet paper, no showers or hot water, the hacking, coughing Aussies, the altitude that took your breath away every 3 or 4 minutes, and oh, did I mention the stairs?
I hate stairs!!!!
  The first day of the hike was fairly simple. We were hiking for only about 6 hours or so. The altitude really begins to get to you but the scenery more than makes up for it. This is what we have been waiting for! Our guides Gorge and Daniel were exemplary and absolutely hilarious; they made they long days easier to stomach with their wit and detailed descriptions of our surroundings and the Incan history. 
          When we finally arrived at camp it was all about getting to know one another. There were fifteen of us in all, coming from all parts of the world: Switzerland, Taiwan, Ukrania (haha Abeed), UK, Holland, Costa Rica, Brazil, USA, Australia, and Mars (Zac). We made for a lively bunch and as soon as Ricardo, I will refer to him as "Banana" from this point on (see right) started infecting all of us with his contagious laugh, I knew this was going to be a priceless trip.  
Brazilian Banana!! Nice rain jacket!
Gorge our guide
We were famished...whats for dinner??? Say what?? A three course meal compliments of the porters? At that point you probably could have put a pile of poop in front of me and I would have eaten it. Well, maybe not poop, but you get the point... I did not expect that level of service while on the hike and the food was actually delicious, albeit I'm not exactly sure what kind of meat I was eating.They sure do love their Guinea Pig (Cuy) meat here.

Day 1: Km. 82 to Huayllabamba
Altitude at Start: 8528 ft.             
Elevation: +400m (1312 ft.)
                                  Altitude at End :9840 ft.
                                  Distance: 12 km
                                  Approximate Time taken: 6 hours Awww yeah!!! 

Team Bananas Locas at our first dinner together

Our tents were set up, we has a fantastic view of the snow-capped mountains, my belly was full and my eyes sleepy. You can see why the Incas were so fascinated by the stars in the mysterious sky. It just has a way of touching your soul.
It was time for a good nights' rest. Day 2 is said to be extremely difficult and by far the most challenging day of the trek.

I was mentally prepared to hike the 45 kilometers in 4 days, but could my body handle the stress? I'm no spring chicken anymore, and I've never hiked under the conditions of this altitude. Ay Dios Mio!!! What a day we had in store for us!!!!!

Day 2: Huayllabamba to Pacamayo
Altitude at Start: 9840 ft.
Altitude at End : 11,480 ft.
Elevation: +1200m (3936 ft.) to Dead Woman's Pass. Then -700m (2296 ft.) to Pacamayo campsite
Distance: 11 km
Approximate Time taken: 7:30 hours....ouch!!!!
One would actually have to hike the the Inca Trail to discover how freaking cumbersome the second day truly is. Words cannot describe the agony each and every one of us experienced as we huffed and puffed our way straight up the mountain to the appropriately called "Dead Woman's Pass". The freezing rain was whipping my already chapped face and as I finally reached to top I realized I still had to descend...almost 3,000 ft. In the pouring rain, down treacherous stairs. My hands were numb, my clothes completely drenched. Sshhhh, don't tell anyone but I think I cried a little when I finally made it to the campsite.

Jingle Bells, Sandra, Alex, Aesha, Banana and Abeed. Day 3
Day 3: Pacamayo to Huinay Huayna
Altitude at Start: 11,480 ft.
Altitude at End : 8692 ft.
Elevation: +400m (1312 ft.) to Second Pass. Then -400m (1312 ft.) down to Concha Marca. Then +150m (492 ft.) to Third Pass. Then -1000m (3280 ft.) down to Huinay Huayna.
Distance: 16 km
Approximate Time taken: 8-10 hours depending on your downward skills....I took 10.
Jingle and Aesha

Team Bananas Locas really began to come out of our peels (pun intended) on the third day. Aesha somehow ended up with 5 esposos (husbands),
Aesha and her esposos
 Jingle Bells and Alex started an Inca Tail inspired love affair, Swen and Lei's sexcapades could be heard by all, even those of us with ear plugs, Sandra attempted card tricks, Miguel was giving us all sugar highs from his dulce (sweets) collection, Silvias "home made" banana rain shoes were the talk of the town, Banana wouldn't stop singing Loca... Loquina, Abeed became the "master of all things awkward", Zac continued to talk shit about all things American (don't worry Zac, we still love you), Jingle exclaimed to the hacking tattooed Aussies "you actually paid for those?", I learned to eat warm corn syrup (and kinda liked it), and we all pretty much had the time of our lives. We really became a team. When you spend 24 hours a day with strangers in the middle of the mountains in Peru, you really get to know one another...and who snores, and who doesn't. I won't mention any names...
One of my favorite places on the hike
                                            We used laughter to combat all of our ailments and our ability to make any situation funny even got us ssshhhhed by other hikers. Jealous bastards :)

Day 4
Machu Picchu
It poured rain the entire night and into the mid morning of our last day. The sky literally opened up for over 7 hours. Our porters came to wake us on that last and final day; my body was stiff as a board and my sleeping bag was soaked. So much for water proof tents. As I glimpsed out side I saw my hiking shoes where I left them, but the tent flap had been left open and was lain on top of the tent exposing my shoes to the elements. It took me a moment to realize what had happened. My loving, wonderful dear friend Aesha forgot to zip the outer tent (I forgive you Aesha!!) I literally had to dump the water from my shoes...they are in fact waterproof and did not let any of the water seep out. It was freezing, everything I owned was soaking wet and infested with bed bugs, my knees felt as if someone was repeatedly taking a sledgehammer to them, and now I have to put on soaking wet hiking books and hike 3 hours. Someone shoot me now. Wait a minute!!!! Isn't this my dream??? I signed up for this!! Somehow I was able to rejoice in the fact that I was about to arrive at Machu Picchu and my spirits started soaring. Who cares about anything else...I'm about to get to Machu Picchu!!!
The Sun Gate right before entering Machu Picchu
 WE MADE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It was worth everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What an amazing journey! I wouldn't take any of it back, well maybe the bed bugs, but it was the most ultimate experience ever!! I thank each and everyone of the guides, porters, Loki travel, Aesha and my new friends for contributing to such an epic journey. This hike changed my life. Simply said...absolutely brilliant.

So, Aesha is a Hooper, as in Hula Hooper, as we all know by now and it was her dream to hoop at Machu Picchu. We waited the entire afternoon to take advantage of the perfect  moment and when we did...it was AMAZING!!! I took a video and photos of her and right as she was about to really get going we heard the whistles. Oh snap!!! We were in trouble and knew it. The security was running towards us and we just froze. He was screaming and trying to rip the hoop out of her hands but our gentle voices and oh-so sweet faces must have won him over because all he did was kick us out. Yup folks, this spectacular journey ends with us getting kicked out of Machu Picchu. Well played Locas Bananas, well played.
Moments before getting our butts kicked out
Thanks to Loki Travel. They really went above and beyond with fixing their mistake and making sure we had a trip of a lifetime. Also a very special thanks to Aesha for allowing me to use ALL of her photos from the trip. Unfortunately with all of the excitement of the day, I seemed to have left my camera at the restaurant after the hike. I'm not going to lie, I was devastated. Over 250 photos and videos are gone forever, not to mention my beautiful camera. At least I will always have the magnificent memories that I made here, all of my new friends, and one helluva a wild story to tell.
Christmas Dinner in Cusco
     The next day was Christmas since most of Team Locas Bananas was going to be in Cusco we decided to all have Christmas dinner together. It was an entire evening packed with inside jokes, picking on poor Zac and eating, drinking, and dancing our faces off. We had a blast and I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas as well!!!! Thanks for hanging in there, I know this was a long one...off to Bolivia!!!!!
Love, The Savvy Nomad (who lost her damn camera...not so Savvy eh??)

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Huacachina! Huacachina! Holy Huacachina!!!!!!
     One thing I've learned while travelling is to never completely commit to a plan. It's always great to have a rough idea of what you may want to do/see on your trip, but it's best to sit back, listen to what fellow travelers have to say, and enjoy the ride...wherever that may lead you! This time it led us to Huacachina, Peru. We were not planning on visiting Huacachina, actually I had never even heard of this mysterious    "Oasis". But when Aesha mentioned the words "Sand Boarding" and "Dune buggies" and I was all in. Let's do this!!!
Muy Fuerte
     Huacachina is a genuine oasis in the middle of the desert and is surrounded by thousands of sand dunes stretching hundreds of feet high. It is absolutely astounding. It serves as vacation spot for locals and touristas like us. As we left smog infested Lima in the dust,
Pool fun at Bananas Lodge
  we could barely contain our excitement about this mysterious place called Huacachina (I'm still trying to pronounce it right). We jumped in a creaky ass taxi and meandered our way through sand laden streets. We turned the corner and ...BAM!!! We were momentarily awestruck. Is this really an oasis? Honestly, it looks fake. I lived in Las Vegas for several years and this looked like the ridiculous production in front of the Bellagio...only it´s real!!! It gets better...we felt as if we entered the gates of heaven upon arrival at Bananas Hostel Lodge. This is a hostel  folks and it had an awesome pool, bar, and all you can eat BBQ dinner under the starry desert sky. Pretty much unheard of for a hostel. Wow. Now this is what I'm talking about!
  Enter Luis. "Hola bonitas chicas!!! Would you like to go sandboarding and dune buggying tonight at sunset?"...um duh...
Stay Calm Samantha
    The dune buggy ride was freaking insane. Aesha and I took the front seats (obviously) and as Luis took off Aesha and I gripped hands so hard I could feel all of the blood rushing out my hand and into my rapidly pulsating heart. Ay Dios Mio!!!!!       We were hysterically laughing and even as the sand whipped my face I couldn't help but be grateful to be at this place, at this time, having some of the most fun I've ever had in my life. Luis gave us a ride of a lifetime in those dunes, but it was only a precursor for what was to come. The Sandboarding Experience (see left!!).
All I have to say about that is until you have ridden a sandboard down a dune at about a million miles an hour, you simply haven't lived (I'm still finding sand in places sand just shouldn't be). I'm fairly brave but I have to admit that I was scared shitless. It didn't help that there was no talk about safety, how to use the sandboard, how to stop the damn thing, or what we should do when we get to the bottom (yup, we had to walk our fat arses back up..of course we did). I'm so proud of Aesha. She braved those dunes with gusto like I've never seen in her before. Bravo Aesha Rosa Tigressa, Bravo!!!!!!! Oh, and did I mention she brought her Hula Hoop to the dunes? Yes, I'm pretty sure my magical friend will be talked about for many years to come by locals as the "Loca chica en la dunas..."
Muy Bonita!!!
The entire day goes down in the record books for both of us as being one of the most kick ass experiences we've ever had to date. The people at Bananas Lodge were wonderful, hilarious, and slightly perverted...in a good way... It was a fantastic place to stay and I would recommend anyone traveling to Peru to stop at this "Oasis" and spend some time at Bananas Lodge Hostel  and lose your mind in the dunes* see Luis...  
  Next stop...Cusco and the 4 day Inca Trail hike to Machu Picchu!!! Yikes!! We started with an 16 hr bus ride, both of us sick as dogs the whole way, but you'll just have to wait for the details... 
Love, Samantha "Brasilia Loca" and Aesha "Rosa Tigresa"
Stay tuned!!! Here's a quick glimpse at this handsome little city that is the gateway to Machu Picchu.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

O'Hare Airport
    Hola mis amigas y mis amigos!!!!!
    OK folks, the time has finally come for me to brush the dust off of my passport, cross my fingers, and head to South America. First stop... Lima, Peru. Lucky for me my very dear friend Aesha, who just so happens to be quite the little Spanish speaking diva, will be accompanying me on this leg of the journey.
     After only one day abroad I quickly realized how valuable she is as a travel companion. She has already served many muy importante purposes: best friend and confidante, finder of lost items (i.e, passport, credit card, kindle, beauty supply store so I can dye my hair three, yes, three times in less than 24 hours; they don't seem to understand the whole hair lightening process here...), translator for my ghastly attempts at Spanish and voice of reason, ...and its only day two!!!!
   Day One
   After a dreadful yet somehow tolerable twenty-two hour journey we arrived groggy and disoriented in a very bustling Lima. I have heard many a horror story about the airport in Lima and felt it would be best to schedule an airport pickup from our hostel. We were exhausted (maybe her more than I...see right. haha) but we made it!
Best Ceviche ever.
Once we were settled in to our hostel my growling stomach combined with my audacious spirit sent me out to explore our surroundings. Peru is known for its' superb ceviche and I was on a quest to find just that.  Ceviche is one of my all time favorite dishes and I didn't have to venture very far to have the best damn ceviche I've ever had. I savored every last bite and am still dreaming of of it at this very moment. Ahhhh... Delicioso!!!
      We stayed in Miraflores, the most affluent neighborhood in Lima. Here lies a cornucopia of palate pleasing restaurants and shops and the bountiful markets are brimming with local handicrafts, artwork, and a variety of Peruvian trinkets. As we lazily strolled along the tree-lined streets practicing our Spanish we were mesmerized by the unique style and characteristics of Peruvian Architecture.
El Torro Rojo!!
Ekeko...Peruvian/Bolivian God of abundance
      Lima was lovely jumping off point for our South American journey and we enjoyed our very short time here. The owner of Ekeko Hostel where we stayed was incredibly friendly and helpful and his hostel was clean, cozy, and close to everything. It was so nice to stay in a quiet and comfortable place our first few nights so far away from home. Thank you Christian and Ekeko Hostel for a lovely stay in Lima!
Stay close...next blog tomorrow. Sandboarding in Haucachina...Yup, Awesome.
Hasta Manana!!
-Samantha "Brasilia Loca" and Aesha Rosa "Tigra"

Friday, December 7, 2012

Camping, Shark Cage Diving and Skydiving, Oh My!!!                            
Mokuleia Beach Thanksgiving 2012
     What better way to spend Thanksgiving than on deserted Mokuleia beach in Hawaii, camping with your vegetarian best friend? No Turkey, no mashed potatoes, no gravy...but we did have Ulu...Yes, Ulu. It's otherwise known as Breadfruit. Sound disgusting?? Hmmm, in order to save my very valued friendship, I will just use the term "interesting" to describe it.
     We arrived at our campsite bright and early Thanksgiving morning and set up our kaleidoscopic tents. One tent for us, and one for the surfboards of course! Mokuleia beach is a hidden gem.
It's off the beaten path and is unknown to most tourists and is rarely visited by locals due to its inaccessibility to the road. It's an absolutely beautiful beach and boasts gorgeous topography as well as an "insane left"(Surfer term for "sick wave"). I loved it for it's privacy and long sandy beach where I spent days relaxing and collecting shells. The best part was that we were completely isolated from everyone which allowed us to go "au naturel" if you know what I mean. Swimming in your birthday suit is an amazing feeling...but enough about that!

     It was a very nontraditional way to spend Thanksgiving but if I couldn't be at home with my family, this was exactly where I wanted to be. We made a fire in the evening and roasted the Ulu's over the open fire.Chatted about love, life and...centipedes!!!!! Yup, as we were tending the expertly made fire(of course I crafted it) we witnessed a ginormous centipede crawling out of the fire towards our unclad feet. It was squirming and burning alive and we were screaming like a bunch of hysterical school girls. At least he didn't crawl into our tent. This thing was huge and creepy as shit
I would like to consider myself an adventure seeker of sorts. I'm not going to say  I'm fearless, but I will say that I am more than willing to try most things that will get my adrenaline pumping and make my skin erupt with rolling goosebumps. I usually try to seek out harebrained and sometimes risky situations when I travel for a variety of reasons, most of them as an attempt to satiate my seemingly insataiable apetite for adventure, but also to entertain you, my readers. If I were to write solely about daily boring and mundane routines, who on earth would read??!!! So, basically what I'm saying is if anything ever happens to me whilst...fill in the blank...I will partially blame all of you. That being said, let's talk about sharks, man!!!
     I've been SCUBA diving all over the world and have had some random terrifying encounters with sharks, but I've never been able to experience their beauty up close and personal. A shark cage dive seemed like the perfect opportunity for me get to know these spectacular beings, without becoming dinner! I booked with a locally run company Hawaii Shark Encounters http://www.hawaiisharkencounters.com/ and they were awesome enough to give me the local "Kamaaina" rate.
      We left the harbor before sunrise and braved the 30 ft waves. They were minutes away from cancelling the trip due to the crazy swells but they ultimately decided all systems go, and off to sea we went. There were twelve of us on the boat. Six of us were fine, the other six were puking over the side of the vessel the entire time, and a few were even calling for their Mommy. Not I, my friends, not I. I was rearing and ready to go!! Let's see some sharks already!            
In there...really????
      The crew gave us a very informative tutorial about the sharks and what to look for when in the water. I was genuinely hoping to spot the ever elusive Great White Shark..cue Jaws music, but no such luck. However, there were dozens of sharks to be seen. The most common one was the Galapagos Shark. They are harmless unless they are hungry, tired, aggravated, or awake... I believe there may have been a few Mako and possibly a Tiger or two lurking around, but with them charging at my face at high speed, they all seem to blend together. They are sharks, and they were freaking awesome. 
   I had a blast. I actually batted my eyelashes and  asked our handsome captain if I could jump in the water outside of the cage. He just laughed and said...go ahead my dear! Haha. I didn't end up doing that, not because I was terrified, I just didn't feel like ending my trip so soon!!! Thank you Hawaii Shark Encounters for a very invigorating and exciting morning at sea!!
Holy Crapola!!!!!
Remember when I was discussing my quest for adventure??? Well I finally met my match. 
 Skydive Hawaii, "Hawaii's most exciting adventure", is what the brochure said. http://www.skydivehawaii.com/ 
     Most exciting adventure you say??? Count me in!!!!! I was once again hooked up like a local. Lyndee has many friends around the island and I decided to capitalize on these friendships. Being a savvy nomad comes into play here...
   Kevin my tandem skydiver was fabulous and his sarcasm was appreciated, even though he kept scaring the shit out of me...saying things like "God, I really hope we don't die today", or "Wow, we are really high, I'm kinda scared", or my favorite...he tells me to look into the camera and says "any last words Samantha?? Anything you want to tell your family in case we don't make it??" Kevin and I discussed my previous skydiving experiences and he came to the conclusion that I was experienced and brave (haha) enough to try some insane and absurd tricks after we jumped out of the plane...as if jumping out of a perfectly good airplane isn't preposterous enough!!!
He asked if I was OK with doing flips out of the airplane. Of course I was!!!! He asked if I felt comfortable doing a stand up landing...ummmm, sure? I need my legs though Kevin....
     As the plane smoothly climbed  to 14,000 feet ( female pilot..aww yeah girl!!!), I began to feel that vaguely familar drop in my stomach. The one you get when you are about to do something that may drastically change, or end your life. It's that feeling that makes you want to scream "Wait!! Stop!! I changed my mind!! Momma!!!"
The door opens. It's loud. The wind is daring me to join it's jovial song. Come to me Samantha, Come to me. Kevin screams " I really hope you are attached tight enough" and to the edge we go. "Are you ready??" Before I can answer that question we are free. One with the atmoshere. Flipping and flipping and flipping..

 Screaming and laughing and beaming and grinning and experiencing one of my favorite things to do on earth... the Freefall. For those of you who have never experienced it...It's indescribable. For those of you who have...nuff said. I have yet to find anything that makes me feel that euphoric and free. I apologize to all boyfriends past and present...but you've got nothin' on a freefall.
A special thanks to Kevin and Skydive Hawaii for the best jump to date!!!! Mahalo!!
    Nestled away behind an enchanted path abundant with local flora and a variety of rare bird species lies the North Shore's spectacular Sacred Waimea Valley. www.waimeavalley.net
    Waimea Valley is a world class botanical garden that boasts over 5,000 types of plant species from all over the world. As soon as I entered the valley I felt the Mana (life force) of those who used to live here. It truly is a magical place. As the sun peeked  through the canopy it enhanced the already captivating beauty of my surroundings and I was lost for a moment. The combination of  fresh floral scents mixed with the warm tropical breeze made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I felt completely carefree and ready to explore. Lucky for me I ran into DLopes (his nickname I assume), a long time Waimea Valley employee.
Dlopes and I
Ye Olde Pitiful Waterfall
     He pointed out several endangered bird species for me and guided me to the stream where the birds and bullfrogs like to chill. When I asked him how to get to the waterfall he chuckled and said "it's more of a trickle right now due to the lack of rain, but go for it."     Well, Dlopes, you were right, the waterfall was pitiful. I included this picture not for its beauty, but so you can see exactly what I mean. Pitiful. I'm not upset, the scenery more than made up for the lack of water flux. Thanks to everyone at Waimea Valley for a very special afternoon.  
One of the super cool things I was part of whilst in Hawaii was the Waimea Valley Farmer's Market, held every Thursday in the Waimea Valley.  Divine Living, Lyndee's Raw Food company plays an integral role in the market. She educates locals and tourists alike on the benefits of healthy living while providing delicious treats for sale. We made a killing when I was there (I'm not sayin, but I'm sayin). Herbest market to date!! I learned how to make and prep raw food and truly began to appreciate all of the time and effort it takes to live a "Organic, raw, vegan, gluten free, diabetic friendly" lifestyle!!!
Mic, the "Tuna" guy...my BFF for the day!!
Let's talk about construction work peeps! I'm from Chicago...you know...concrete jungle, skyscapers, traffic, snow... 
Knowing this Lyndee still decided that I would be the best candidate to help her build a shed for her brand new John Deere riding lawn mower. What??? Me??? Ummmmm...am I being punked? Where's Ashton Kutcher??
Needless to say we accomplished it..kind of. 
    It took several trips to Ace Hardware, many arguments, hundreds upon hundreds of mosquito bites, a lost french press, and Lyndee almost losing a foot by a rogue chainsaw to finally put this thing together. Its not perfect, it's probably not stable, it certainly isn't pretty, but it's ours dammit, all OURS!!!!

   I thoroughly enjoyed my 3 week stay on Oahu. Thank you to everyone who made this trip so amazing...Shoots!!!
It was epic. I love all of you...especially you Lyndee! Thank you for showing your best friend how wonderful the North Shore can be.!!! and the Hawaiian shaved ice...forget about it...Delish!!
 Aloha and Mahalo Hawaii....off to Peru!!!!! Thanks for reading-
-The Savvy Nomad