“Our battered suitcases were piled on the sidewalk again; we had longer ways to go. But no matter, the road is life." - Jack Kerouac

Monday, November 27, 2017

The Road to Hana, Hana, Hana. Did I mention Road to Hana?


The road to Hana is undoubtedly the most famous road in all of Hawaii and was a must-do for the Deputy and I. The magic of the road to Hana lies in the journey, not the destination. Hana Town is a quiet, sleepy little town located at the end of the Hana Highway and is a turn around point for most.
The road is a winding labyrinthine of twists and turns through a lush tropical island paradise and is loaded with heavenly delights around every corner. With 600 curves, 54 bridges, and countless amounts of waterfalls, it is certainly not for the faint of heart (or stomach for that matter). We grabbed our farting snorkels, yes I said farting (they kept making farting noises making us laugh hysterically) and headed for the road to Hana, Hana, Hana.
Top down, spirits high we gassed up and headed to Hana. The Highway is only 64 miles long but we anticipated it taking us about 6 hours (boy were we wrong, but I'll get to that fun little part later).
A few miles along the road we saw some folks gathered around a man and a bunch of brilliantly colored birds and thought...why not??
Enter: Bud the Birdman! Bud is a showman and has been working with trained parrots and macaws for over 30 years. He has actually built a sanctuary for these retired show birds and others like them and we had a ton of fun with him. Thanks Bud the Birdman for such a fun start to our day!!  http://www.mauibirdman.com/meetbud.html

As the road twisted and turned we were treated with new and exciting topography. With so many places to stop we used our Maui Revealed Guidebook and tried to visit some of the more remote sights. We decided on a hike in the bamboo forest along side lanky bamboo trees and through a towering, painted rainbow eucalyptus forest.
As the wind chimed through the bamboo, mother nature sang her sweet song and...wait...did someone say sweet? Sweets!!! We were both starting to feel that familiar rumble in our stomachs...it was time for something sweet. Ever since we decided to take this trip Honey has been talking about trying the World Famous banana bread on the road to Hana... Well it was time to take the test.
Aunty Sandy's here we come!  Aunty Sandy's did not dissapoint! They had already run out of fresh baked Banana bread so they offered us "Day Old" bread for free! What??? We loved it. I am pretty sure that I inhaled the entire loaf before Honey even pulled out her napkin, but they were more than generous and gave us another free loaf to take with us! Ahhhmaaazing.
Our bellies were overly stuffed (is there such a thing as Banana Bread sweats?) and we now had our sights set on the Garden of Eden.
 Music blasting, vocal cords straining, we sang along to our favorite songs as we headed to The Garden of Eden.
The Garden of Eden boasts abundant, lavish, and meticulously maintained gardens and arboretum, located just up the road at mile marker 10.5. Taking our time to explore this romantic retreat amidst the jungle, we both felt the electricity between us grow and pure vacation bliss set in. This place really seemed like heaven on earth. We even got to feed a few hungry peacocks!!! They really seem to like my trail mix...
Henry the Peacock

Nahhiku community seemed like the best place for us next. We followed an ominous road down about 3 miles to a remote bridge where we had to stop and park our car and walk the rest of the way. The Maui Revealed Guidebook actually describes this location best as "when plants go to heaven, Nahiku must be their destination." Simply stunning. The overgrown forest with vibrant green vines tickled our senses as we meandered down to the cliffs. What a spectacular sight, and we had this place all to ourselves. We stopped for awhile and just took it all in. What a gem. What a moment. What a day. So happy.

We spent the rest of the daily slowly creeping down the Hana Highway and before we realized what time it was it was starting to get dark. OOPS!!

My plan the entire day was to make sure that we had enough daylight on the drive home so that I didn't have to drive that treacherous road at night. We got caught up in the magic of the day and were now about to pay for it. I decided to take the back road to our Hotel and if it wasn't for Lez 733 ( the extremely slow car I was stuck behind for hours on a one lane road), we may have actually made good time. I was seeing red by the time we finally made it home and the exhaustion set in. What an epic day we had!!!! Tomorrow was an early start as we had a Sail and Snorkel trip to Molokini planned! Yessssss Queeennn!!!!!! See Ya Hana!

 Aloha-The Savvy Nomad

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

The Deputy

Let me give a little back story here...
Honey (I call her Deputy Honey) and I met about 1.5 years ago through a mutual friend (whom we all call Hooch hahaha Hooch). We were both in relationships at the time so we did the proverbial social media information exchange and went about our ways. Fast forward to about 3 months ago...I was single, sober, bored and it was raining and low and behold I receive a social media alert. Wait! Stop the presses, thee Deputy reached out to me. I will have to admit I felt electrified. The moment I met her all that time ago she left an impression on me. (Not to be confused with imprinting, however, I do tend to want to follow her around wherever she goes)
Not imprinting!
We quickly switched to conversation from social media to text and found out that we were BOTH single, sober, bored, and it was raining. I asked her to join me at the Ocean Beach Farmer's Market later on that day. She mentioned taking her bike and I idiotically replied " I'll take my bicycle too!" She then smugly whispered "I was talking about my motorcycle."  Doh! I was already in a panic. 
This broad is a bonafide bad-ass...My bicycle? Someone shoot me now. Well maybe I'll just ask her. She also knows how to shoot a gun.
Barb the Bike...Honey's Bike
She is a Deputy Sheriff and rides a motorcycle to her friendship dates. What on earth were we going to talk about? I manage a restaurant. My biggest issue of the day is making sure my millennial employees realize what day it is and actually show up for work.

As the social anxiety started to build. I started experiencing a cornucopia of emotions. I was grotesquely sweaty, extremely nervous, slightly nauseous and overly excited. Who am I right now? I changed my outfit 11 times and showed up 15 minutes late. She said she didn't mind because she suffers from chronic lateness (which I have since learned to be true). Turns out, we actually have a lot in common. The conversation was fluid and and there was an undeniable chemistry between us. Wow. I think I like someone. I mentioned to her that I was going solo to Hawaii for my birthday and she said that she has always wanted to go. I jokingly proclaimed "you should totally come with me". Wow, I never knew that those 6 words would amount to this.
Here I was, three months later at the Maui Airport, renting a Cherry Red Jeep Wrangler, and about to scoop up Honey. (So, inch me, pinch me, and cinch me walk into a bar...cinch me and inch me leave...who's left?) Is this really happening? Am I really about to spend 5 days with The Deputy in Hawaii?

Over the years many Hawaiian traditions may have faded, but one that has subsisted and flourished as a true representation of the Aloha spirit is the tradition of giving Leis. Leis are symbols for love, honor, celebration, friendship or greeting. I wanted to make sure that I Lei'd Honey as soon as I she got off the plane in Maui (Hey! Keep your mind out of the gutter!).
We were off to the Hyatt Regency in Ka'anapali Beach, a few miles North of Lahaina. The sun was shining, the weather was sweet yeah...
One of my nearest and dearest friends Chris Luo works for the Hyatt and hooked us up with a friends and family rate. When we arrived at check in they gave us the um, yeaaaahhhhh, we may have a bit of an issue look. You see, they overbooked the hotel and since we were on the special rate they couldn't let us check in until 9 pm. I was just about to say "no worries, we are on vacation, I'm sure we will find something to do", when the agent claimed "Miss Scholl, we are so terribly sorry for this abominable inconvenience. For your troubles we are going to comp your room this evening, give you free Valet parking all week, and 2 tickets to the Luau. Will that be OK?" Whaaaa????? Umm OK? Is that all? Haha they were more than accommodating and the property is immaculate and absolutely stunning. Thanks Hyatt!
We decided to start our adventure off with a bit of sunset snorkeling at Black Rock in Ka"anapai beach. We were pleasantly surprised by the visibility and the abundance of fish. We watched the sunset together as we floated around in the warm Pacific. I felt so alive and happy at that moment it was insane. What a day! Next up: The Road to Hana.

ALOHA- The Savvy Nomad

Makalawena Beach, Big Island, Hawaii

Spending time with my best friend in one of the most beautiful places on the planet seemed like the perfect way to end my short yet rewarding trip to the Big Island. Makalawena Beach has been a must-do every time I visit the Big Island. It is a local favorite and due to it's long hike down to the beach it seems to still retain it's "hidden gem" magical status.

The first step is traversing the long dirt, pot hole laden road down to the parking area, but this is where the real adventure begins. The hike to Makelwena is still about 1.5 miles over sharp lava rock and almost desert like terrain. As the beads of sweat slowly trickled down my face my senses started to become overwhelmed with memories of the true beauty that I knew awaited us. The reward of this hike is an almost completely secluded, pristine picturesque beach with lava pools to bathe in and warm tranquil waves lapping at your feet.

And, to top it off there is a spectacular brackish oasis pond as well with crystal clear fresh water. I have been to over 50 countries and countless beaches all over the globe, but Makalawena has always been my favorite. It truly is perfect in every way.  I miss it already!
I have been making the trek across the Pacific to the Big Island for over 10 years and her exquisite beauty continues to blow me away every time. I always leave wanting more, already planning my next visit to the wondrous island paradise. There is always something new to explore, a unique hike to be taken, a secret snorkel adventure around the corner, volcano tubes to investigate, Manta Rays to swim with, and of course, quality time with friends. I am so incredibly grateful to Sarah, Aesha, and Aesha's parents (Thanks for everything Irene and Alan) for taking such good care of me during my visit. It truly means the world to me to have such great friends.
And my little Arrow... . He may quite possibly be the sweetest little soul that I have ever encountered.
It was time to pack up my suitcases and head all the way to...MAUI!!! That's right! off to Maui I went. I had a Jeep to rent and a beautiful woman to pick up at the airport. Deputy Honey was meeting me in Maui and we had all kinds of adventures planned. Time to switch gears and hit the road again!

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Pololu Valley, Hawaii November 6, 2017

Aesha the "Gliker"
We are just a couple of girls, gliking our way to the Pololu Valley! Have you ever heard of the term glamping? Well it's used for those who don't really like to camp and do so with Glamour. Those folks who like to pretend they are camping but don't really want to endure the modus operandi involved with the outdoors; so they sleep in cabins instead of tents, wear makeup, turn on the ac, and go out to dinner and such. Ewww. Well Aesha wore gold sequin shorts on the hike, therefore the term gliking was born. I will, however, say that this glamorous hiker trekked up and down to the valley completely barefoot!! She is a rockstar!

The view from the top of the Pololu Lookout literally took my breath away. Lush tropical rain forest giving way to sweeping views of the valley below. Neon green bramble set against the onyx colored lava rock and an exquisitely painted sapphire. This magnificent kaleidoscope will remain forever illustrated in my dreams.
Once we arrived at the valley we needed to cross a tiny bridge " But under the bridge lived a terrifically terrifying terrible troll called Trevor- he was always hungry too. And there was nothing he liked better than to eat a nice juicy Billy Goat"- OK, OK I was reminiscing from my childhood a bit there with The Three Billy Goats Gruff! No troll to be found, only a splendid little river slowly spilling into the salty sea.
We stumbled upon a few swings set (see what I did there haha) in the forest and decided to play for a bit. I felt so free and energized in the valley. Completely at peace and genuinely in touch with mother nature and all of her beauty.

Saturday, November 11, 2017

So I turned 40. I have been lying about my age for so many years that half of my friends didn't even believe me that this year was actually THEE year I absconded over the hill to Cougardom. Time to say goodbye to my thirties and hello to??? The vast unknown. 
I  will say this: I have never felt happier, more alive, healthier or excited about my future. I attribute much of this happiness to cutting alcohol out of my life. Those of you who know me know that I have never been one to shy away from booze. In fact, most of my life I would daydream about bathing in a vat of ranch dressing, pizza in one hand and IPA in the other... now the IPA is replaced with chocolate...and we all know that trying to maintain a healthy weight after 40 is even more challenging than after 39., so this may get a bit tricky..
I am currently undergoing an ambrosial paradigm shift within my inner being and as the jigsaw puzzle pieces start shifting into place and the magnificent picture is revealed, I am able to embrace the blissful insanity that is my life. I am rediscovering the spark that has been patiently aching for me to ignite the fire within my soul. As the fog slowly lifts, my mind becomes clearer. I am fully embracing the universe and trusting it to guide me on this fantastic adventure called life. I'm ready for you 40, so look the hell out!

November 5, 2017... my Birthday
We started the day at Holuakoa Cafe for what was supposed to be a marvelous breakfast. I should have taken the ginormous sign posted above our table that read "Hawaiian Slow Cookin'" as a warning. We painfully waited, and waited, and waited for our over-priced, undercooked, and ridiculously underwhelming food to finally arrive. We had a 3 & 5 yr old with us and it took over an hour for our breakfast to arrive Slow as a turtle and about as bland as a sea cucumber. It's certainly a different pace here in Hawaii! They are lucky the kids weren't literally swinging from the rafters! We decided that Kukio beach was calling our names so we headed down, found a shady spot and played in the sun all day! I was lucky enough so spend the afternoon splashing around in the warm Hawaiin sun with the kiddos Arrow and Hainoa. It was a very special birthday and perfect in every way! Thank you Sarah and Aesha!!!

Monday, November 6, 2017

Paging Samantha Scholl... 
Alaska Airlines paging passenger Samantha Scholl

The morning started out abrupt as my alarm buzzed ferociously and I was scrambling to leave my house. I had to make sure all 27 of my houseplants (insert plant lady joke here) were aptly watered and set up for success. I'm going on vacation. Wait. I'M GOING ON VACATION! As I shuffled through my apartment shoving all of those last minute, I can't live without things into my already bursting suitcase I started to get a feeling... ahhhh I remember this. That omg I have 2 weeks off... in a row feeling. It's been a minute since my last trip and I miss the road.  
I have a confession. It's been 4 years, 7 months, 12 days and 7 hours since my last blog post. That's just friggin' gross.
These next blog posts will be dedicated to one of my favorite places to visit... Hawaii. And please don't say Ha-vai-i in less you are a local, or super annoying and want people to look at you like you are the Idiot Abroad.

Security was slammed and as per usual I timed it so I could sleep in as much as possible and... I almost missed my flight!
 Jammed into the middle seat, back row, WIFI NOT working, no book to read (I was planning on buying one at one of the over priced airport bodegas, along with something to drink, eat, and  something to hopefully help me sleep), but I was rushing to get to the gate before they closed it, without me inside. 
Now here I was stranded for 6 hours... but heading to paradise so why all the whining?? It's going to be an epic trip. 

Why you not have boyfriend
What's a girl (not quite girl actually, Wikipedia claims that I am now entering Cougar zone) to do with a 5 hour layover in Honolulu? Get a pedicure and some amazing local eats of course! Thank you for the flowers on my toes Holly, and for only 5 dolla mo'...what a steal!

Arrived in Kona late and headed to one of my favorite spots for some mouth-watering fresh Ahi Poke with two of my besties Sarah and Aesha and of course little Arrow. 

Lava Boat Tour, Champagne Hot Springs, Kapoho Tide Pools and Rainbow Falls

Have you ever imagined yourself chasing a rooster, pinning it down, and literally strangling it to death? Well, if you haven't, come to Hawaii and sleep in the country. They start their early morning "battle of the cocks" at abut 1:30 am...which I guess was OK because my alarm was set for 1:45am...yes...I said a.m. Aesha and I were off to see some Lava!!!
Check these guys out at lavaocean.com

Lava Boat Tour
     The vaporous early morning air slapped me in the face as we packed up the car and started our journey across this lush island paradise to Kapoho. The incandescent full moon as our guide, we meandered through the dark and mystical rain forest, our bodies sizzling with excitement for what was soon to come. The 2 hour drive flew by and we arrived at our destination at 4am...right on schedule. We were about to embark on an epic ocean adventure to watch the lava flowing into the ocean from the active volcano Kilauea. Kilauea is one of  the Big Island of Hawaii's 5 volcanoes, and is a very sacred and magical place. In ancient Hawaiian mythology, the Halemaumau Crater of Kilauea served as the home of the Goddess Pele.
Pele is the goddess of fire, lightning, wind and volcanoes. She is said to be seen at times floating through the rain forest, protecting the land. I certainly felt a very spiritual and magical presence while on the boat taking in the magnitude and beauty of the Kilauea Volcano.

It was a brief 45 minute boat ride to the location where the lava was flowing directly into the ocean. Nothing quite prepares you for the sheer beauty and dynamism of such a powerful moment. The landscape is literally changing every second here as millions of tons of molten lava pours through lava tubes and spews into the ocean.

 It was one of the most spectacular and captivating moments I've ever experienced. The lava  flow is truly mesmerizing.  It was an incredible morning, and to be sharing this with my best friend made it that much sweeter! Our Captain pulled the boat up ever-so close to the lava so we could feel the heat on our faces, smell the pungent smell of sulfuric acid, and feel the volcanic ash cleansing our spirits. Mahalo Pele, we respect and appreciate you.

We were off the boat by 6:45 am...Wow!  We were certainly off to one hell of a start to my first day in paradise! Next stop...Champagne Pond!

Champagne Pond, Kapoho
  Volcanically heated water bubbles to the surface at this island oasis. This sacred pool is used for cleansing and bathing and is protected from the harsh ocean elements. Nestled away at the northern tip of Kapoho Bay it his a small protected pool with a dual personality. The cold ocean water sinks to the bottom of the pool while the hot water fizzes at the surface, giving us the feeling of floating in an effervescent Champagne Supernova.  Our bodies were light as air as we floated weightlessly, in a  glorious natural float tank. It was exhilarating! We left charged with the energy of Mother Earth and were ready to head out for some serious snorkeling at the  Kapoho Tide Pools.

Kapoho Tide Pools

Aesha and I are avid snorkelers, if there is such a thing. In fact, we both got SCUBA certified in Thailand in 2006...on Christmas. What an amazing Christmas that was! Such a blast!(The tuk tuk driver is chasing after me!) That being said, we both agreed that the snorkeling at the Kapoho Tide Pools was some of the best we have experienced.
 If were to design the worlds best aquarium, one that people could actually swim in, I would emulate these Tide Pools. Typical tide pools are too shallow to allow snorkelers but some of these pools and lagoons can reach a depth of up to 10 feet. They were actually created by an earthquake in 1975 that created giant crevices in which these pools were formed.

The constant flow of fresh water into these pools has created an ideal environment for beautiful coral gardens to blossom...and where there are coral gardens...there are fishies! We spent hours here enjoying each others company and indulging in the delicate elegance of this underwater playground.

 My friendship girl Deputy Honey (we call ourselves "friendship girls" because we don't want to use labels, but I'm pretty sure "friendship girl" is a label of some sort. Anyhoo...bought me a GoPro for my birthday. I can't thank her enough for such a thoughtful and awesome gift!!! I'm obsessed with this gadget and have been using it like crazy.  I only wish that I would have had this for all of my previous travels!! Oh well, Sabai, sabai.... Cheers to new adventures! Thank you Honey!!!!

Rainbow Falls, Hilo

As the day started to wrap up we headed to the delightful town of Hilo to check out Rainbow Falls and grab a bite to eat at Pineapples Cafe. Pan Seared scallops and waterfalls? I'm in! (That kind of sounds like an amazing new title for a rap song. I can almost see Lil' Wayne now blurting out " what? ye-ah, pan seared scallops? What?! ye-ah and waterfalls!!?") 

It was a absolutely remarkable first day back in Hawaii! 

As the adrenaline from the afternoon slowly melted away, we drove the winding path back through the enchanted forest and across the island back to Aesha's home. I was sound asleep by 5pm and couldn't have imagined a better welcome to Hawaii. Mahalo Aesha, Lava Boat Tours...and of course, Pele.

Ke Aloha- The Savvy Nomad