“Our battered suitcases were piled on the sidewalk again; we had longer ways to go. But no matter, the road is life." - Jack Kerouac

Saturday, November 11, 2017

So I turned 40. I have been lying about my age for so many years that half of my friends didn't even believe me that this year was actually THEE year I absconded over the hill to Cougardom. Time to say goodbye to my thirties and hello to??? The vast unknown. 
I  will say this: I have never felt happier, more alive, healthier or excited about my future. I attribute much of this happiness to cutting alcohol out of my life. Those of you who know me know that I have never been one to shy away from booze. In fact, most of my life I would daydream about bathing in a vat of ranch dressing, pizza in one hand and IPA in the other... now the IPA is replaced with chocolate...and we all know that trying to maintain a healthy weight after 40 is even more challenging than after 39., so this may get a bit tricky..
I am currently undergoing an ambrosial paradigm shift within my inner being and as the jigsaw puzzle pieces start shifting into place and the magnificent picture is revealed, I am able to embrace the blissful insanity that is my life. I am rediscovering the spark that has been patiently aching for me to ignite the fire within my soul. As the fog slowly lifts, my mind becomes clearer. I am fully embracing the universe and trusting it to guide me on this fantastic adventure called life. I'm ready for you 40, so look the hell out!

November 5, 2017... my Birthday
We started the day at Holuakoa Cafe for what was supposed to be a marvelous breakfast. I should have taken the ginormous sign posted above our table that read "Hawaiian Slow Cookin'" as a warning. We painfully waited, and waited, and waited for our over-priced, undercooked, and ridiculously underwhelming food to finally arrive. We had a 3 & 5 yr old with us and it took over an hour for our breakfast to arrive Slow as a turtle and about as bland as a sea cucumber. It's certainly a different pace here in Hawaii! They are lucky the kids weren't literally swinging from the rafters! We decided that Kukio beach was calling our names so we headed down, found a shady spot and played in the sun all day! I was lucky enough so spend the afternoon splashing around in the warm Hawaiin sun with the kiddos Arrow and Hainoa. It was a very special birthday and perfect in every way! Thank you Sarah and Aesha!!!

1 comment:

  1. You may be 40 .... but are still my sweet darling baby! What a wonderful birthday and a beautiful place to be. Love Mom
