“Our battered suitcases were piled on the sidewalk again; we had longer ways to go. But no matter, the road is life." - Jack Kerouac

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

The Deputy

Let me give a little back story here...
Honey (I call her Deputy Honey) and I met about 1.5 years ago through a mutual friend (whom we all call Hooch hahaha Hooch). We were both in relationships at the time so we did the proverbial social media information exchange and went about our ways. Fast forward to about 3 months ago...I was single, sober, bored and it was raining and low and behold I receive a social media alert. Wait! Stop the presses, thee Deputy reached out to me. I will have to admit I felt electrified. The moment I met her all that time ago she left an impression on me. (Not to be confused with imprinting, however, I do tend to want to follow her around wherever she goes)
Not imprinting!
We quickly switched to conversation from social media to text and found out that we were BOTH single, sober, bored, and it was raining. I asked her to join me at the Ocean Beach Farmer's Market later on that day. She mentioned taking her bike and I idiotically replied " I'll take my bicycle too!" She then smugly whispered "I was talking about my motorcycle."  Doh! I was already in a panic. 
This broad is a bonafide bad-ass...My bicycle? Someone shoot me now. Well maybe I'll just ask her. She also knows how to shoot a gun.
Barb the Bike...Honey's Bike
She is a Deputy Sheriff and rides a motorcycle to her friendship dates. What on earth were we going to talk about? I manage a restaurant. My biggest issue of the day is making sure my millennial employees realize what day it is and actually show up for work.

As the social anxiety started to build. I started experiencing a cornucopia of emotions. I was grotesquely sweaty, extremely nervous, slightly nauseous and overly excited. Who am I right now? I changed my outfit 11 times and showed up 15 minutes late. She said she didn't mind because she suffers from chronic lateness (which I have since learned to be true). Turns out, we actually have a lot in common. The conversation was fluid and and there was an undeniable chemistry between us. Wow. I think I like someone. I mentioned to her that I was going solo to Hawaii for my birthday and she said that she has always wanted to go. I jokingly proclaimed "you should totally come with me". Wow, I never knew that those 6 words would amount to this.
Here I was, three months later at the Maui Airport, renting a Cherry Red Jeep Wrangler, and about to scoop up Honey. (So, inch me, pinch me, and cinch me walk into a bar...cinch me and inch me leave...who's left?) Is this really happening? Am I really about to spend 5 days with The Deputy in Hawaii?

Over the years many Hawaiian traditions may have faded, but one that has subsisted and flourished as a true representation of the Aloha spirit is the tradition of giving Leis. Leis are symbols for love, honor, celebration, friendship or greeting. I wanted to make sure that I Lei'd Honey as soon as I she got off the plane in Maui (Hey! Keep your mind out of the gutter!).
We were off to the Hyatt Regency in Ka'anapali Beach, a few miles North of Lahaina. The sun was shining, the weather was sweet yeah...
One of my nearest and dearest friends Chris Luo works for the Hyatt and hooked us up with a friends and family rate. When we arrived at check in they gave us the um, yeaaaahhhhh, we may have a bit of an issue look. You see, they overbooked the hotel and since we were on the special rate they couldn't let us check in until 9 pm. I was just about to say "no worries, we are on vacation, I'm sure we will find something to do", when the agent claimed "Miss Scholl, we are so terribly sorry for this abominable inconvenience. For your troubles we are going to comp your room this evening, give you free Valet parking all week, and 2 tickets to the Luau. Will that be OK?" Whaaaa????? Umm OK? Is that all? Haha they were more than accommodating and the property is immaculate and absolutely stunning. Thanks Hyatt!
We decided to start our adventure off with a bit of sunset snorkeling at Black Rock in Ka"anapai beach. We were pleasantly surprised by the visibility and the abundance of fish. We watched the sunset together as we floated around in the warm Pacific. I felt so alive and happy at that moment it was insane. What a day! Next up: The Road to Hana.

ALOHA- The Savvy Nomad

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